
Alabama Report.

A bit of my research while back in Alabama.

Crooked Creek:


Mullberry Fork:



More in the Bangor woods:
An upturned Jeep in the woods.

Bangor Cave. This Cave used to be a sort of night spot in the 1930s. There was a bandstand and a bar and other such facilities deep in this cave.

Now the cave has plenty ofvandalism.



Isaac Klunk said...

Howdy Duncan,

Just thought I'd letcha know that I've updated the location of my blog from Xanga to Blogspot. If you want to update your links section. Or not! That's ok too!!!

I... ...I'm sorry.


Anonymous said...

I want to go back to Alabama so badly I wouldn't even care to say.
God... Sno Biz. Sno Biz is where I first learned about capitalism... different story.
Rural Imposition is sharp. I love it.

duncan said...

Isaac - issue resolved.

MacArthur - thanks for the comment. I only know Sno Biz from the outside. Sugary sweet coldness is good. Working on the inside would not be fun though.