It's been a week since I've been back from San Diego. (This should tell you how long it's been since I started writing this since now it's three weeks since I left for San Diego). Things are going slower (on my book) than I want them to, but that's always the case. I don't have the heart for much of anything lately. San Diego destroyed whatever love for life I think I might have had. I did get to see some cool stuff and meet cool people, but it was much more of hassle to get work done this year than previous years. And as always I find some really fun stuff. I would list it here, but I don't have it in me anymore. Maybe sometime later--not that it's important at all.
I think that my digital camera gets a little worse with each picture that I take. We'll be in the market for a new one very soon. Dear Santa...
I've been working a good bit on Moonshine pages. I'm not satisfied with the way I write dialog--but it wouldn't be that big of a hassle to change language later. I'd rather just keep on trying to turn out pages rather than get hung up in the writing dialog stage.

I'm now the official chair of the sequential art department here at scad. I suddenly have a great deal of managing that i must do. My email has increased to 60+ a day, which I'm sure will grow once the Fall quarter begins.I've got just a month to get ready for school. I'm really excited about the Hand-Lettering class!
Comics Art Forum is shaping up nicely. We're doing an all alumni forum this year, which is really cool. SCAD ATL is doing their own publishers forum, which is awesome--the more stuff we have the better.
We're also lining up some other visitors for the school year which would be great.
I'm up to almost 39,000 songs in my itunes. My summer goal is still 40,000--but my efforts have slowed greatly. I'm also in the process of transferring our old vhs tapes to DVD--focusing on those that are difficult to find.
I've made the leap to Blackberry, which seems to be working nicely. Mobile email use and calendar syncing has been lovely. SCAD uses the at&t wireless network--which is horrible. I don't have much of a signal at home or at work. I thought Verizon had bad service out here, but I'm starting to realize that compared to other phone companies, it's not so bad.
lots of rain here in Savannah the last few days. Kinda nice.

In addition to our recent deadly pest infestation, We've had to have major work on our refrigerator (after losing a fridge/freezer full of recently bought foods). Our A/C is also acting a bit funny, so I hope it doesn't conk out.
We're putting backpacks together for elementary students at the Savannah Union Mission. It's almost time for school to start back for these kids, and many of them aren't able to get the supplies they need. We're able to put all of this together for around $20-$25. If you'd like to help, please let me know. We've gotten 4 together so far, but we hope to have 30 in the next couple weeks. If you want a list of supplies let me know--you can put the backpack together and take it to the mission, or we can take your donation and get all of the supplies ready for you.

And now a bit of left-over ComicCon junk:
I love this shirt from Fish. I was proud to sport such a lovely Space Corn around the ComicCon.
Here's John Lowe (and a bit of Durwin Talon) at the TwoMorrows panel:
Jeremy Mullins and I spoke to a bunch of kids at the portfolio review area. Ran into Jenn! I miss Jenn. Jenn come back!
Craig McKracken from the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends panel. I can't believe that this is the last season...
There's Adriane Tomine:
This is from the Webcomics Panel at SDCC:
This is from the educators panel:
To end on a happy note: I've recently found where to buy Otter Pops in Savannah! I thought they weren't around here. Exciting I'll say!